What new can be found 2 hours from your own home?

Hover to explore

to be curious in a familiar country


The water gently flows down the stream, reflecting the bright green colors of the plants. Time is standing still in this paradise.

Savannah Holmes

“Here’s my eulogy to travel:

It’s easy to shove some clothes in a backpack and set off into the unknown. It’s easier to exhaust yourself to the summit of the trail to get a buzz of adrenaline. It’s easiest to leave to get a dose of adventure.
What’s not so simple is finding the wonder in the day-to-day. To ignite amazement on the sights you’ve already seen demands a new circuit of attention to acknowledge and appreciate the fine detail.
To be curious in a familiar country, culture or calendar requires the belief that much awaits to be discovered. That even within the grip of the ordinary lies the possibility to be blown away.

For now I hope to adopt the traveler inside of me as a permanent residence in my life. Whose entrance is not dependent upon a plane ticket. The traveller who laughs when completely lost at a bus station in Ecuador. Who is jaw-dropped by every turn in Guatemala. Who swoons over the books in Whales and cries in the theatres in England. Who braves a meal of Octopus in Italy and joyfully bikes 130km in Austria. The traveler who attempts to speak German in Switzerland, who photographs the fountains in Germany, who claps her hands over the fireworks in Lichtenstein.

The traveler that cries over the sunsets in Uganda and is persuaded to swim with dolphins in Mexico. The one who quietly watches the city lights in Washington and is full of musical enthusiasm in New York. Who justifies a whole day at the beach in California and finds the inner rebel in Las Vegas. The traveler who finds comedy in the broken car on the side of Utah’s highway and skids down red rocks in Arizona. Who masters the art of camping breakfasts in Oregon and forgets to wear sunscreen in Idaho.

You don’t need a new stamp to impress new memories. Breathtaking moments aren’t reserved for foreign lands, just opened eyes."

– Savannah Holmes